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Writer's pictureColleen Hogan

Pie 9 Alabama's Buttermilk Pie

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

This post is all about moving, friendship, frogs, and good o’l Southern Pie. You heard me right, frogs, I’ll get to that part soon. We are heading to the Deep South, as we travel from coastal San Diego to Alabama in July. I’ve never felt humidity thicker than on a Summers day in Alabama. What could be more refreshing in the sweltering heat, than a cold slice of ALABAMA’S Buttermilk Pie, a tall glass of iced tea, and catching up with old friends.

We stuffed our mini van full with as many belongings as we could manage, plus 3 children. We waved goodbye to San Diego, Virginia bound. At this point I’ve lost track of how many times we’ve gone back and forth from each coast. We try to make these moves exciting for the kids, who just said goodbye to all of their friends and life as they know it, AGAIN. We fit in some sights along the way, but most of these moves have a deadline on the other end. We need to find a house, schools, doctors, church, job, and friends. This means long days of driving and quick stops for fast food. So when your old military friends offer to make you a home cooked meal along the route, you stop. We only spent a short evening in Alabama, but it was just the refresher we needed. We hadn’t seen our Friends in 10 years, we laughed over a spaghetti dinner as if no time had passed. There is this unique bond between fellow military families. We make friends quick because we know our time will be short and our friendships are solid because we must rely on each other like Family. When you find your people you know it and you hold tight. These people will be your best memories. We are blessed to have these people scattered all over the world.

Our kids enjoying the spaghetti dinner

Before leaving our friends house the kids were all outside, it had recently rained, steam was was pouring off the hot concrete and there were frogs everywhere. Our younger two begged to keep a frog. My sweet friend was 'so generous' to offer Tupperware containers so we could be sure to take a frog along on the rest of our journey. How could we say ‘no’ to our children, who were smiling and happy and had forgotten for a moment that everything in their world would be new in just a few short days.

The frog;)

Our youngest checking in on the frog the next morning in our hotel room ;)

The frog traveled with us on the rest of our trip and was released safely in a lake in Virginia.

The Buttermilk Pie, is simple, yet rich. Reminding me of the warm, welcome of The South. This traditional pie uses only a few basic ingredients. Similar recipes have been passed down from one generation to the next for hundreds of years. Historically, this pie could be made when fresh fruit was unavailable and buttermilk had a longer shelf life compared to unrefrigerated milk. This pie is smooth, and slices perfectly. It’s custard-like texture can be enjoyed warm or cold. I prepared homemade blueberry sauce and drizzled it over fresh whipped cream and savored each bite of this comforting pie. I think it’s enjoyed best with friends.

My friend teaching me how Southern Women pose for pictures

Originally published October 19,2019

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