Have you ever heard of the small historic town of St. Mary’s, Georgia? A town about 30 miles North of Jacksonville, Florida. Chances are if you didn’t grow up there or you weren’t stationed at Kings Bay Submarine base you wouldn’t know it existed. My husbands first submarine tour was out of Kings Bay. At first I wasn’t sure how I would survive in this tiny town. As far as shopping goes, Walmart was it. We arrived in the summer, Georgia heat is no joke and I was 7 months pregnant with our second child. Georgia has some crazy big snakes, I’m a bit of a freak when it comes to snakes( meaning if I see one I run hysterically screaming😂😆) The bugs were annoying and the humidity was stifling. This Cali girl wasn’t raised for this. We knew we would only be stationed there for a year(364 days to be exact), so we would deal. Little did I know how big of an impact the time in this little town would hold in my heart. Georgia’s Double Peanut Pie gives me the perfect excuse to reminisce. GEORGIA you are always on my mind.

When you show up to a submarine you are immediately welcomed by your new family. You will need the support of this tight nit community, whether you are the one deploying or holding down the home front. The Silent Service is unlike any other in the military, we are separated for months on end with no communication. In our world no news is good news. Submarine spouses are some of the strongest ladies I’ve ever met ( I say ladies because at this point in time there were no women on subs). So here I was expecting a baby and the submarine was leaving. Nine days before our son was born the world came to a stand still. September 11, 2001. The day started out ordinary and ended in confusion and disbelief, and anger. I spent the evening huddled with friends, fellow military spouses, glued to the TV, praying for all the families that lost loved ones and for our husbands in the ocean, down deep below.

Word came through that my husband might make it back in time for the baby’s delivery. He arrived 24 hours AFTER our son was born. My amazing friend was there by my side instead. Fellow sub wives were taking care of our two year old, offering help in any way. There were complications and our son was transferred to the NICU shortly after delivery down in Florida. My husband walked into the hospital, I hadn’t seen him in months, the world had changed, there was war, and we had a new baby, I just melted into his arms and cried.

I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else during that year than little St. Mary’s. The small town charm grew on me. The locals rallied around the military. Slow days were spent pushing the kids on the swings at the waterfront and meeting girlfriends at the local tea shop for scones and chicken salad sandwiches. Georgia was a time full of joy and sadness and lots of hope.

I can’t think of a more appropriate pie for Georgia than Taste of Home’s Double Peanut Pie. Yes Georgia is known as the ‘Peach State’, but it’s also nicknamed the ‘Goober State.’ Goobers are another name for peanuts ( I just learned this, now I understand Goober Grape PB&J). Peanuts have been growing in Georgia since before the Civil War and the state is the #1 producer of peanuts in the US. The Worlds Largest Peanut Monument can be found in Ashburn, GA and is recognized as one of the State’s symbol. This pie is simple to put together, everything is mixed up in just one bowl. The filling is very similar to a pecan pie, except with peanuts and the added bonus of peanut butter. This pie is so smooth, it tastes like the peanut butter is swirled throughout each bite. The the sweet caramel like flavor and the peanuts reminds me of a PayDay bar. We topped ours with Southern Butter Pecan Ice cream, sending it out of this world. I can see myself in Georgia on one of those unbearably,hot, summer days, enjoying this with family and friends soaking up the slow, simple life.

Originally Published January 30, 2020
Our little family in Georgia
